Courageous, Compassionate, Co-Creative Coaching…
Dream Big, Take Small Steps, Connect the Dots! Get in touchCliff Bayuk, PCC, MBA, PMP
Principal, The 444 Coaching Group
Courageous, Compassionate, Co-Creative Coaching
I am passionate about helping you with the challenges and opportunities inherently linked to your human growth and potential. This passion is rooted in my life journey of self-discovery and growth. My path has provided me with a rich and diverse perspective from which I utilize my coaching skills in service to you, my client. My experience in both public and private sectors provides my clients with exceptional insight into those challenges unique to each entity.
I began my professional life as a psychology clinician, working with young adults with developmental challenges. I chose active-duty military service in 1984, out of a sense of duty and purpose; and eventually served 24-years, in many leadership roles, “retiring” in 2008. I’ve thrived in key executive positions encompassing enterprise-wide Human Resources, Recruiting, Education and Training, Healthcare, Logistics and Operations functions. I’ve designed and taught curricula in leadership development, organizational behavior and public management consulting. After retiring from active duty in 2008, I started a niche consulting company that provided process improvement and project management. My values are centered on health (in all dimensions), compassion, discipline, fairness and contribution. As a professional coach, my life has come full circle; and I’m grateful and excited to be using my experience and passion to help YOU achieve your very best!
Why the number “444”?
The number “444” is a sign of protection and encouragement. It is a sign that you are currently following the right path. The sign reminds you to feel confident and supported in this knowledge. As your coach, I am committed to supporting you on your journey of self-knowledge and personal growth. Growth and change are challenging to our ego; and having the inherent knowledge that you are always safe, no matter what the challenge ahead, builds confidence and places “freedom above fear”. At the root of my work with you…this is my ethic for you!
Education and Professional Affiliations
- ICF Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation
- Certified Administrator, MBTI, Association for Psychological Type
- Emotional Intelligence (EQi) assessment and debrief
- Certified Administrator: Leadership Circle Profile (LCP)
- Certified Mindfulness Instructor, PESI
- Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute
- Acquisition Professional, Defense Acquisition University
- American College of Healthcare Executives
- Mediator, Northern Virginia Mediation Service
- MBA, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- BA, Psychology, University of California, San Diego
- PCC, Duquesne University